Entry#1 opions about blogs

 Entry#1 Opions about blogs:

I had always though that blog were intersting. To make a blog is putting thoughts to it but also helps you write about what ever you want. Its really nice seeing that someone can just post something online and it can impact a lot of peoples thoughts. Sharing your ideas can help other people to acknowledge your posts anf they can get a feeling to see if they relate to you. Sometimes people can even create a commnity through a blog, were people can establish friendships and support one another. There is so many different types of blogs for example baking, cooking, bossting self confidence and informative.

I looked at Zoes bakes blogs(https://zoebakes.com/page/93/) I was very intersted. I love baking every type of dessert, so that why I looked for a blog that had to do with baking. Something I liked about this blog with the details Zoe gives to every recipe she makes because it helps you really understand and easy to follow the recipe. While I was reading the blog something that I didn't like was that you had to read all the recipe and didn't have a lot of pictures in the middle of the process and seeing that I am a visual learner I would have liked to see more pictures. The blog is very well organizedzed every recipe that Zoe has, has its own little section. This blog was professional but also informative. The authors purpose is to help people make new bakery goods, that they can make on there own and simple. The author provated links ans some images and descriped recipes.

I looked at a video game blog( https://www.gamerefinery.com/episode-32-the-mobile-gamedev-awards-what-makes-an-award-winning-mobile-game/ ). I didn't like this blog because it was comfussing it was not that very descripted and didn't talk a lot about the video games.  This blog didn't really changed my mind about videogames, in my opion I think videogames are not that entertaining. The blog was not that well organized its did not give enough info about the video game it was reaaly short. The blog was causal writen a bit, it was not that informative. The authors propose was to sell the videogame and not to education the viewers with more explantion about the game. The author just wanted to put out a new video game to called peoples attention.


  1. Hi Evelyn, I also found that i enjoy looking more at pictures than actually reading.


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