Entry #4 Love

                           Entry #4 Love

Hi guys!!    So today I wanted to talk to you guys about a show that I’m really into.  About two weeks ago I had came out from work and I was laying down and I went on Netflix I wanted to watch a movie. So I was there scrolling on Netflix trying to see what should I watch and then the show appeared. It’s called “Love is Blind”. I was looking at the trailer and it seemed interesting so I wanted to watch it. I started watching it that night I stayed up until like 3 am watching it. I ended up really like the show because it talks about love and how you should love someone for who they are before you can love them by their physical. So this show is about some guys and girls that come in to the show and all the guys are together and all the girls are together. Then there is little rooms for each person and there is a girl in the front room and a guy in the other front room so both rooms are facing each other but they can’t see each other  because there is a wall in the middle. They can only hear each other.  So the only way toget to know each other is by taking and asking each other questions. All the guys get to know all the girls and all the girls get to know all the guys and then they end up picking who they like by how connected they were with no physical. So after they’ve been getting to know each other as a person and then they both agree that they want to stay together as a match they start "dating" but they still are not looking at each other. After they’re there for a two weeks “dating” they get married. The guy will ask the girl if she wants to marry him they’re still there in the rooms and if the girl says yes then the next day they meet up and they get to see each other‘s physical appearance. When they see each other for the first time they are going to be in shock because now they are seeing each other in person. Now they have to put everything together there physical and how the connected in the rooms. Two days after they get married when the day of the wedding comes if they both say yes they continue on and go on a honeymoon and meet there family but if one says no the whole wedding is off and they will live back to the normal lives they had before they came to the show. I just think that the show is so interesting because it’s crazy how they get married so fast and there was a couple that after they got married they do a reality show and they were still married together so their relationship did work out. So it’s interesting to know that you could actually fall in love with someone by just talking to them and getting to know them without physical appearance. Now in days all people care about it’s just a physical appearance. So I fell in love with this show because it’s just so true a lot of things that they were talking about. Like you can really love someone but just talking to them. So that’s what I’ve been up to watching this interesting show that I really do recommend for you guys to watch.
Netflixâ?Ts dating show Love is Blind is horrific but compelling viewingLove Is Blind Reunion - Which Couples Are Still Together and Which Broke Up


  1. Hi Eve! I enjoyed reading your blog, you seem very interested in this show, your description of it made me want to see the show too. The plot of it seems nice.

  2. Hello Eve, I thought that was a great show too! I found it so interesting as well, the fact that in that show it shows that you can fall in love with anyone by just talking. I agree with you nowadays people fall in love with how you look more than who you are. I think love is a beautiful thing and this show was able to show you that love is still love.


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