
Entry #10 Fav show

                        Entry #10 Fav show Hi guys, I started watching a show called "Love Island". I like it because it's a really good entertaining show.  The show is about single people who come in and try to find love between all of these people there’s girls and guys. After they connect with one person they couple up the audience gets to vote for who their favorite couple is. After they had some days with that person they bring in more boys and girls to see if they find a new love or do they still want to stay with the person they were with in the beginning. Then at night they have the audience vote to see which couple they want to stay with; the remaining couple wins money and a free vacation. You guys should watch it! That is all I have for you guys today. Bye guys!

Entry #9 strict diet

                                            Entry #9  Strict Diet  Hi guys,  So today I'm going to be talking about strict diets. These strict diets make you feel like you are barely eating like in the image which you are barely eating. This strict diet is really strict on what you can eat, that makes you feel like you’re barely even eating. The diets that are flexible are the diets that are even the most healthy for you; they give you strength and all the nutrients you need. These strict diets can  help you out but at the same time are not good for your health because your body is messing with some nutrients. You’re missing out on all these nutrients that you need to have in your body in order to be healthy. Sometimes people when they see that they’re losing weight faster by doing these strict diets they continue and continue doing them later on their health might be  affected because they become addicted to them and start doing other things or start having things to lose weight f

Entry #8 Sales person

                          Entry #8 Sales person Hi guys,  So today I wanted to talk to you guys about my job so I work at an ABC Nissan and I’m a sales person. I’ve started working there for about two months now I like the job it’s really fun to be selling all these cars, I get to meet a lot of people and you get paid well there for commission. It’s really fun showing the customers this car is because you just get to experience all these exciting emotions together. Its also nice that you get to also drive nice cars around and I like to drive so that’s fun for me. It is a process that it takes it time and the customer is going to be there for a while but it’s all worth it at the end. So far I like this job and it also helps me learn about more things to life not just selling cars but other things that you want to purchase on your own and it helps you learn about credit. Everyone that works there is really friendly and nice. You guys should stop by, I could be your sales person. Bye guys

Entry #7 The food

                         Entry #7 The Food  Hi guys,  So today I watched this film Fresh. I wanted to talk to you guys about what I  saw, think, and the food.  This film fresh was about farmers,thinkers and business people across the world who are helping out with the food production in America. With a strong team they are all putting together a lot of effort to put together a strong food production. What they’re doing they are changing how farms are run, how to manage creating ,have the food be distribute all over America. Their success shows that a new paradigm based on sustainable can be very well farmed with great food, that’s all based on the full system they are creating and if people choose to support it.  This film fresh shows what really happens is shows the problems and the consequences of industrialized food production. Then after they have the food-based done they like to focus primarily individuals who are creating new approaches to address environmental, health and econom

Entry #6 The Dancer

Today I wanted to talk to you guys about when I started dancing and my journey.  When I was in high school I joined a dance class I first I thought it was really weird because they had a lot of different types of dances that I was not use to. As time went bye I started liking dancing  I loved when we had concerts. I was in dance class for all of high school years. During my junior year is when I felt more comfortable dancing I wasn’t as embarrassed and shy. So I had a lot of cousins that we’re going to have a quince and they wanted me to do there dances. Since I was in dance class and they have seen me dance they wanted me to help them choreograph their dances so I did that. I choreographed about three parties and all those three parties they were all amazed with the dances and I loved it. I loved choreographing it was a little bit stressful not gonna lie but it was a fun and dancing is one of my activities I like to do besides my career. And I love going to parties and dancing so I re

Entry #5 What do you think ad

              Entry #5 What do you think ad   Hi guys,  Here I have an ad that I found intersting and I wanted to share it with you guys. When I was waching this ad I felt like the author wanted there audienes to know that Want them to get insurance hi all state. So what he did to get The audience attention was to pretend like the guy was a girl driving and faked crash then he started talking about getting insurance at Allstate. I think the target audience here are 18 year olds and above specifically girls just because he was faking to be a girl I had a pink car and everything to. The context here is to basically just get insurance at Allstate and that’s what they wanna get out of this ad. When the people see this ad it’s going to draw them attention because it’s an ad that is pretty funny cause it’s kind of weird and they might get interested in looking up Allstate and what they have to offer.  The people in this ad what’s the guy faking to be a girl have

Entry #4 Love

                           Entry #4 Love Hi guys!!    So today I wanted to talk to you guys about a show that I’m really into.  About two weeks ago I had came out from work and I was laying down and I went on Netflix I wanted to watch a movie. So I was there scrolling on Netflix trying to see what should I watch and then the show appeared. It’s called “Love is Blind”. I was looking at the trailer and it seemed interesting so I wanted to watch it. I started watching it that night I stayed up until like 3 am watching it. I ended up really like the show because it talks about love and how you should love someone for who they are before you can love them by their physical. So this show is about some guys and girls that come in to the show and all the guys are together and all the girls are together. Then there is little rooms for each person and there is a girl in the front room and a guy in the other front room so both rooms are facing each other but they can’t see each other  because th